2024 Logger survey: working tough ground
Loggers across the U.S. responded to Timber Harvesting’s recent 2024 Logger Survey, which showed that contractors in all parts of the country are having a tough time grappling with rising costs and dropping demand in some areas. For example, for the first time ever across 20-plus years of logger surveys, the number of loggers who rate their company’s financial health “poor” (9%) to “very poor” (21%) outnumber those who say “good” (21%) to “very good” (7%)—30% to 28% overall in favor of the negatives.
Meanwhile, two-thirds (66%) of loggers who responded say they see a trend toward lower sawlog and plylog demand in their area, an overwhelming number of loggers (89%) say they see a trend toward lower pulp and fiber wood in their area. Of the almost 200 loggers who responded, the top four challenges cited are insurance (68%), limited markets (62%), load quotas (57%) and mill compensation (56%). There’s much more included, but here’s a quick look at other survey results:
• 45% of loggers have trucks parked for lack of qualified drivers.
• 61% buy at least some of their own timber.
• 69% have employees who regularly operate two or more different machines.
• 85% of loggers say they would seek other work rather than relocate to stay in logging.
Full survey results are covered in the July-August Timber Harvesting, both hard copy and digital versions.
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Spanning seven decades since its inception in 1952, Timber Harvesting highlights innovative and successful logging operations across the U.S. and around the world. Timber Harvesting also emphasizes new technology and provides the best marketing vehicle for the industry’s suppliers to reach the largest number of loggers in North America and beyond.
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