AOL’s Storm Cites ‘Common Threads’ In Oregon Mill Closures
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OLC Raises College Scholarship Funds
A group of 23 teams and many generous sponsors helped raise more than $61,000 at the 5th Annual Oregon Logging Conference Foundation (OLCF) Clay Target Tournament fundraiser held on September 8, 2023. Proceeds will provide college and technical scholarships to be awarded by the OLCF. “Once again we are very fortunate to be able to hold this fundraiser and at the end of the day, we raised more than $61,000 which will provide financial assistance to the next generation workforce in our industry,” said event chair and OLC Board Member Jeanne Shuttleworth…
Spanning seven decades since its inception in 1952, Timber Harvesting highlights innovative and successful logging operations across the U.S. and around the world. Timber Harvesting also emphasizes new technology and provides the best marketing vehicle for the industry’s suppliers to reach the largest number of loggers in North America and beyond.
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