Oregon Undertaking Forest Workforce Study

As part of its education funding bill, Oregon is undertaking a forestry workforce study. Led by Associated Oregon Loggers’ Amanda Sullivan-Astor, forest policy manager, who was instrumental in its passage, the legislation tasked the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission to evaluate the forest sector workforce and analyze career paths, capacities, demographics, benefits, needs, recruitment and retention.

According to AOL Executive Vice President Rex Storm, the AOL will leverage the study data and share it with other stake holders to add in-forest opportunities for education, training and careers and help develop future legislation that addresses forest workforce development challenges.

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Spanning seven decades since its inception in 1952, Timber Harvesting highlights innovative and successful logging operations across the U.S. and around the world. Timber Harvesting also emphasizes new technology and provides the best marketing vehicle for the industry’s suppliers to reach the largest number of loggers in North America and beyond.

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