By Wendy Farrand

T’was the DAY before Christmas, when all through the woods,
Not a creature was stirring, all asleep like they should.
The skidders were parked on the landing with care,
In hopes that their operators soon would be there.

The cutters were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of tall timber danced in their heads.
I kissed Ma in her kerchief, and donned my skullcap
Then headed to the jobsite, and not for a nap!

When I arrived on the landing, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my cab to see what was the matter!
Away to the hardwood, I flew like a flash.
Then I turned on a dime, and fell onto my Ash.

The sun on the crest of the new-fallen snow,
Made me feel I was dreaming with nowhere to go,
When all of a sudden what should I see,
A right jolly old elf peering out from a tree!

This little log hauler turned with a skip.
I knew in a moment he’d soon make a trip.
He whistled and shouted and turned with a jerk!
“Let’s move it! Let’s move it! Let’s get to work!
“Get the wood to the landing, and I’ll load it real quick!”
He jumped in the air and gave his log boots a click!

I cut, and I cut, as fast as I could.
I needed to show him that I could move wood!
A lot faster than eagles his bucket did fly!
When he loaded the last stick he turned with a cry!
“Bless all the loggers, and log haulers too!
Now go home to your family, it’s what you should do!

With a click of his heels, he left without shame.
But off in a distance, I could hear him exclaim!
“Bless those of you, who work hard in the woods,
Risking your lives to deliver our goods!
I pray for your safety! And a prosperous year!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all loads of cheer!

Wendy Farrand, a frequent contributor to Timber Harvesting and Southern Loggin’ Times magazines and owner of WFarrand Consulting, can be reached at